Jesus, the Messiah

Jesus the Messiah by Dr. Abdullah al-Bader al-Qenaei

Islam regards Jesus the Messiah to be one of the pious men who walked on earth. The Islamic teachings honor this mighty messenger of Allah and the Muslims have not fallen short over the past fourteen centuries in doing the…

Family Life In Islam

Family life in Islam by Sheikh Hasan Ali

Whether it be your wife, husband, parent, child or future prospective, these lectures will provide the basic, necessary tools from the Quran and the Sunnah to enhance your inter-personal relationships. Discover your own rights and the rights of others, as well…

The Army of Satan

The Army of Satan (Shaytan)

The wise person is he who studies his enemies’ strategies and takes the precautions and measures to defeat them. Your Lord has warned, “Indeed Shaytan (Satan) is an enemy to you, so take him as an enemy. He only invites his party…

Fortress of the Muslim (Hisnul-Muslim)

Fortress of the Muslim - (Hisnul Muslim) | حصن المسلم

This is a very beautiful booklet consists of many authentic Dua’s (supplications) for a Muslim to supplicate on a daily basis and on special occasions. eBook Download Angelwing presents Hisnul Muslim as an invaluable audio production in Arabic with English…

English Translation of Sahih Al-Bukhari 

Sahih Al-Bukhari in Arabic-English (All Volumes 1-9)

All Muslim scholars agree that Sahih Al-Bukhari is the most authentic and reliable book after the Book of Allah, Quran. The Translation of the Meanings of Sahih Al-Bukhari – Arabic-English (9 Volumes) by Muhammed Ibn Ismaiel Al-Bukhari (Author), Muhammad Muhsin Khan (Translator),…

English Translation of Sahih Muslim

English Translation of Sahih Muslim

Sahih Muslim is the most authentic book of Hadith after Sahih Al-Bukhari and contains 7,563 Ahadith. The Muslim Scholars have agreed that all of the Ahadith in Sahih Muslim are authentic. This fine-quality edition of Sahih Muslim has been verified by Dar-us-Salam Publications extensively. Its…

A Guide for the New Muslim

A Guide for the New Muslim

The goal of this work is to present the new Muslim with a basic guide that will help him understand and implement Islam, the newly converted Muslim has set himself upon a new path that, most likely, is very different…